It is my desire to provide a safe and nurturing environment that will promote the physical, spiritual, social, emotional and cognitive development of the children in my care. My intent is to facilitate a program that is developmentally appropriate.The classroom is designed to provide educational learning experiences that are at the age and stage of your child's development. Incorporated into the daily schedule and curriculum are weekly themes. While introducing various topics, children explore by hands-on experience within the home learning centers and circle time.
The learning opportunities for young children are endless. It may seem as though they are just playing, but in reality they are developing and polishing many skills needed for formal education. My role with my supportive staff is to scaffold each child's learning experiences. We continuously provide curriculum that fits each individual child's current level of performance while encouraging developmental achievements. Both child and teacher-directed PLAY is essential components of our curriculum because it is through this vehicle that mental growth, creativity, and social skills are stimulated.
I encourage children to develop a strong positive attitude and self-concept by empowering children and providing age appropriate learning opportunities, our environment allows children the freedom they need to move throughout the classroom and focus on their area of interest. In conclusion, one of the most vital and necessary skills that young children should be developing is the ability to function with their peers and other adults. It is within this accomplishment, that the child can grow as a person.
Curriculum Philosophy
Pathways is dedicated to helping all children succeed! We understand that the most critical time of a child’ life is from birth to age five. We want to ensure that we support each child academically as well as emotionally. To accomplish this, we are using Creative Curriculum which helps teachers individualize instruction. Our teachers follow the child’s lead and track their progress to ensure that they are meeting developmental milestones. Creative Curriculum also helps teachers make sure children are being exposed to all areas of developmental by encouraging the use of hands on learning opportunities in the following areas: social/emotional; physical; language and cognitive. By using the same curriculum for all age groups in our program (infant, toddlers, and preschoolers) information about a child can be passed along as a child transitions from our infant through preschool/Pre-k development. Our highly qualified teachers facilitate learning. In our supportive, intellectually stimulating environment where children can explore and learn from our different interest areas such as dramatic play, discovery, science center, writing center, block center and art. Outdoor play is important to a child’s physical development and must be included in both the morning and afternoon schedule. Teachers set up these learning centers based on the children’s needs and interest (e.g., teacher uses assessment data to plan activities). Each day we have both structure and non-structure learning activities; for example, on a typical day we could have a small group activity where children learn about butterfly life cycles and explore butterflies in the science center, read about butterflies in the reading center, and draw butterflies in the art area.
Individual choice of free play is a daily part of the curriculum and means a child has the opportunity to choose which learning center or activity he/she participates in. This promotes creative expression and development of important social skills.
Current Curriculums
Creative Curriculum - Preschool
Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos